
This module looks at common drugs of abuse as listed in the National Forensic Framework Agreement and therefore covers the uses, effects and metabolism of:-
- Opiates including diamorphine, morphine, codeine, dihydrocodeine
- Cocaine
- Amphetamine
- Methamphetamine
- MDMA and other similar drugs
- Cannabis
- Methadone
- Diazepam
- Temazepam
Topics within module include:-
- Manufacture
- Adulterants and cutting agents
- Misuse of Drugs Act
- Preparations and forms encountered for wide range of drugs/drug classes
- Routes of administration
- Pharmacodynamics (effects of drug on body)
- Tolerance
- Pharmacokinetics (effects of body on drug)
- Blood: plasma ratios
- Samples available (living and post-mortem) – advantages and disadvantages of each
- Preservatives
- Interpretation
- Post-mortem toxicology
- Information resources